​​Custom Interior Master Painting.

Great Prices & Quality Workmanship.

​ Color Done Right.

Jcb Painting

​​Professional Local

Interior House Painting Services

(508) 463-5190


Jcb Painting logo.

​​​​​​​Boost the look of your home's interior with expertly skilled painters.

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In light of the covid-19 cases confirmed in Massachusetts, Jcb Painting is taking the following precautions to guard our customers against the spread of the virus: 

Jcb Painting is an owner-operated interior painting contractor with one employee, the owner himself.

So when you hire Jcb Painting for your interior painting project you won't have more than one person in your home painting.

And Jcb Painting will only paint one room at a time, minimizing movement in your home.

Jcb Painting will always utilize proper handwashing with soap and water, the frequent use of hand sanitizer, and social distancing while using a mask/respirator on all painting projects.  Jcb Painting can also
utilize electrostatic spraying using a hospital-grade botanical disinfectant if the need arises.

For my clients and myself, safety is of the utmost importance, and decisions are made in your best interest during these tough times.                   

Jcb Painting will continue to serve our clients while guarding against the coronavirus.
Thank you and stay safe,
Jeff @ Jcb Painting